We just had one of our best annual trips to Desolation Sound this past June. We summarized the trip with this new video of many of the highlights of this cruising ground using new aerial footage. We hope you enjoy it.
Category: Other

Desolation Sound Awaits + Upgrades!
Two days to go on the countdown to our Friday June 4 departure for our annual trip to Desolation Sound.
We have been super busy with numerous long awaited upgrades. The following are the changes and the results after our two week trip.
New Mainsail
Our mainsail was really tired. We has bou...
This Winter Cruise in Gulf Islands Was A Little Wet and Cold…….
It is now March 2020 and I think it has taken us three months to recover from our 14-day winter cruise through the Gulf Islands in December 2019. Maybe we are getting soft but the cold and the wet really wore us down this year. After the last 3 years of going to balmy warmth of Hawaii for a winter b...

Backup Autopilot Strategy
In our earlier post in 2008 we discussed the Raymarine 4000 Tiller pilot that we installed before we left in 2006 on our trip. As a backup we also purchased another brand new one which we kept installed in a box.
In February 2008 just before we were about to depart on our pacific crossing from Me...
September 2012 – Ship’s Log
Wow another year!. We hope you have been keeping well with sailing or planning that big cruise. The summer is winding down up here in British Columbia. We did get out for another 2 week trip to beautiful Desolation Sound in June with several long weekends at Tumbo Island.
We have added 5 new vide...

Epilogue back in Vancouver
Dear friends,
Hope you have been keeping well. You may be wondering where we are now and what are we up to so we hope this little postscript/epilogue
sheds some light on our reintegration into “civilization”.
We are now back quite comfortable in our little 480 square foot apartment that we had ...
July 2008 Log: Arrival in Vancouver
here to go back to Part 1 which covers July 3 to July 18)
Saturday July 19, 2008 - Day 15
Carllie: 1136 hours, 1,388 miles to go - officially
past the half way point hurray! The fog cleared as the sun came out today
and provided much-needed heat for today’s outdoor showers. I started rat...
March 2008 – Offshore Preparation
First Ocean Crossing to Hawaii - March 2008
in a 32-foot Sailing Catamaran
The following is our pre-trip preparation and our offshore
voyage log for trip to Hawaii
January 16, 2008 - 6 weeks to go
Garett: We are starting to get
mentally ready as well as doing a whole bunch of maintenance and...
October 2007 Log: Northern Sea of Cortez
Monday October 1, 2007
Yesterday we motored the 15 miles from Guaymas harbor to San
Carlos. It sure felt good to be on the water and traveling somewhere again after
being land-bound for five months. The winds were quite light so we didn't really
do much sailing but we could feel that the motio...
June 2007 Log: Boatyard Guaymas
June 2007 - Catamaran Sailing Cruising in the Sea of Cortez
June 1, 2007 -
Lifting Center Cabin 6 inches
Here are the missing pictures of the cutting out of the
center cabin. People in the boatyard thought we were crazy. Here they